J-1 Visas in Virginia
If you want to obtain a J-1 Waiver in Virginia, here’s what you need to do:
- Start your job search about 18 months prior to when you want to start working.
- Find a job at an eligible J-1 site in our state. You can search for J-1 eligible jobs on 3RNET. Start your J-1 job search in Virginia now.
- For comprehensive information regarding Virginia's processing of J-1 Visa Waivers, please visit our website prior to contacting our office.
- Connect with the J-1 contact to ask questions and learn about additional steps you may need to take.
Visit our website to view J-1 Visa Waivers Guidelines:
Virginia also participates in the Appalachian Regional Commission’s (ARC) J-1 Visa Waiver Program. ARC is a federal government agency that considers J-1 Visa Waiver requests by state governors on behalf of medical facilities located in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) in the respective state's Appalachian Region. If the employer is located in an Appalachian region of Virginia, VDH will forward the application for processing by the ARC as an interested government agency.
In an effort to maximize available resources, and improve access to health care for residents of underserved areas, applicants that are eligible for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) J-1 Visa Waiver program should utilize the ARC J-1 Waiver program.
In Virginia, there are 25 counties and eight independent cities that are eligible for the ARC J-1 Visa Waiver program. Specialist physicians are NOT eligible for the ARC J-1 Waiver program and should seek a specialist slot through Virginia’s J-1 Visa Waiver program.
J-1 Visa Contact in Virginia:
Virginia Primary Care Office
Virginia Department of Health Office of Health Equity
Tel: 804-864-7431